Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Joanne:Of kos,muz be meaningful mah!I super sweet dats all.But not to the extent where ants Will follow me one la.dat one got diabetes oledi la.HEHEHEHE =PpPpPpP
Nas: Only got 3 mah. The rest everytime surely got problem and something on one.Nvr go skol together nvr mnd la.Nvr go break?!Wah..HaizAnd she is familiar.She's Joanne dummy.And please stop disturbing her already la Everytime use SMS.Tak pity on people la!lol
Samantha:Joanne too pitiful already.Everytime kena disturb.
Faey; You think i got nothing else better to do den link u as belo issit?Not like u!So childish!lol.ANd you're the bagedil.Remember back in Robinsons?"OK OK..I go..."HAHAHAHAHAHA
Yo yo yo peepzy..another week has gone and so much funny stuff happened man.Last friday, watched jorin performed with her 'formidable' band *yawn*..but somehow arh,dey quite good leh.dunno why.maybe never heard of much live bands playing recently..Jorin huffed and puffed her trumpet like a pufferfish la her face.Hamster face also got.HAHA.Den monday had culture!AND DAMN IT WAS FUNNY LA!Michael became our pop star and his special instrument,his big TUBA!LOL!!Initially my team chose Rei and Michael,they were supposedly to be the next 'male TATU's'*you know..the lesbian russian duo..LOL*..we though they could appeal to both sexes..HEHEHEHE..but then, after much deliberation, we decided to drop Rei from our record laBEL, which is TE-BAK RECORD LABELS.LOL. And then bloody hell,my team lost out by one point to some irrelevant shi-at team la. ARH!Aya,anyways,was just a game.Haha.Then today was on Enterprise,morning2 already laughed my ass-ed off la.Marsha was so fucking dirty minded la. Jazzzzzzzzzzz said 'deeper understanding'..But somehow,she heard it as 'NIPPLE-UNDERSTANDING'..LOL..how distant can these 2 pronunciations be..haha..After school went to Sam's class*miracolously* coz AUNTY MEIMEI took my hp and somehow,NEVER REPLIED MY MSN LA!was so fucking pissed la.until battery flat summore.Thank you also i never heard from him.TOO MUCH LA. Pushing that subject away, i went for a survey wit Sam's classmates,Melissa*thank god someone could accompany me* at W4A lecture theatre and bloody hell,finished at only 5.15pm la.So much for juz a 15min briefing after the survey la.The after that, went to the library,not to read book, but too see how pitiful Jorin's lappy is.Was sent to the hospital and got operated.It has been brainwashed la.So sad.But that didnt stopped Sam,Jorin n me from eating at Cafe Galile*i think that's how it's spelt* and Sam's chicken flew off her hand la.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.was super funny man. Below are some pictures for you to laugh and just look at.HAve fun!
Sam so uncute.lol.from pri-sec-poly.i think. the center pic like she juz came out from prison o sumthing la.HAHA
Here is Sam eating,as usual,but this time,finishing her 5th box of chicken la.haha..stop eating la..*penyet penyet*..HAHA

Marsha so fucking vulgar la!haha
This one the other culture team,named themselves 2N i think.dunno la.All i know juz step cute.haha
Now.This is my team's one.Michael becomin a pop star?lol.He's becomin a sell out person already la..haha
And here is Jorin,playing wit her trumpet.She looked so damn funny la.Her face grew big n small.haha
Hoped you enjoyed it!That's all folks!
31st October 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
]e l y e[: How i know u got blog mah...anyways..wats yur blog arh?i link u..dun forget 2 link me hor!
Samantha: Of kos i'm sweet mah..u juz realised dat??!!?? tsk3..lol
Nas: See u rollin would be something new..but its ok..save it for someone else..lol..ya la..i'm sweet mah..i value people's friendship..
Faey: DAH! Linked u oledi!Happy?..better be..belo nye bagedil!hahaha
Schmolphin - Liyana: Mesti la..diz onli happens once yearly!Cherish yur 'watever -hood's while u can!Anyways..didnt knew u read blogs!ooo..senyap2 tngk blog orang eh..blang mak aru tao..haha..anyways..u tagged..so..its ok..lol
Sam n Nas: Onli dat Jorin haven tagged! ZEK AK LOR!Nvr mnd..erase her name if she never tag!LOL
Although we knew for just barely less than a year,i feel the urge that you are always standing by me whenever i am down. You made my day and laughed our pi-ku's off together. So, im dedicating diz song for you, my 3 lunch buddies.Thanx for everything!
Until the day I die
I'll spill my heart for you
As years go by
I race the clock with you
But if you die right now
You know that I'd die to
I'd die too
You remind me of the times
When I knew who I was
But still the second hand will catch us
Like it always does
We'll make the same mistakes
I'll take the fall for you
I hope you need this now
Cause I know I still do
Should I bite my tongue
Until blood soaks my shirt (LOL)
We'll never fall apart
Tell me why this hurts so much
Until the day I die
I'll spill my heart for you
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Shana: U never read my profile issit?No mozzy-la's!Interent explorer only can link..damn it!!
Liyana: Ape plak sedih?Takde la..haha..happy happy ni hari raya..aku rase..
Faey: Eh..Mesti ke aku blang satu dunia psl blog aku?hurhur..belo!haha..eh missed u all man..anyway..gd luck for yur O's!After yur O's we all go work together at Robinsons again!haha
Fairuz: Sorry la..no time la..maklum la..hari raya preperation!hehehe
After 1 week..finally i m back to blog..didnt blog back den coz nothing really fun happened..anyways..fasting has ended..n my eating spree n e normal routines are coming back again!wheeeeeee..yesterday went to celebrate hari raya..went out at 12.15 like dat n e fuckin taxis are like ..argh damn it..so long la wait..40 min like dat wait..reached my granny's house at kallang at only 1pm..wahhhh....wen i stepped into the house already arh..wa lao..like turn ito playhouse sia!so many small toddlers(childrens la..)sia..run here run dere..but for me however..i was very hardworkin as usual..hehe..studied ya know!today got maths ut sia..flunged anyway i tink..o ya..den my cuzzins teached me..so clever!...after some tutoring..as u know!EAT!n the chicken wings were damn nice la!hahaha..ate non stop..but the thing is..i wont grow fat..*unlike some ppl*=PpPpP...den 4pm headed to my other grannys house..met some long distance relatives which i didnt knew that even existed..chatted with my close cuzzys..n went home around 9 plus..when i reached home oledi..quickly opened up my green packets..err..wait..somehow..i received the red hong bao's also..wrong occasion i tink...anyways..totalled up everything..$88 sia! lots of red colour notes..hehe..
okay!its 12.05 now!currently doing some code breakers on maths!n e best part?..no ppt!play game!YEA!haha..till then peeps..
*tag hor*
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I wasn't expecting this.She messaged me just now at 8.29pm.Pretending i didnt knew whose number it was. But i just couldnt ignore it.
It was 2 years ago babe,every word, every thought, every sound.Every touch, every smile, every frown .I feel that all the pain we have endured then.But today,all the hope that I lost, you have found.
You are like the lost flower among the thorns. Searching until my hands bleed.However, this flower dont belong to me .Why must you leave me when our time seemed everlasting?Why did you even bother messaging me?Don't you know how much i missed you? Why didnt you contacted me when you were back?
Why cant she belong to me?
But issit my fault to ask you not to leave me?
I never had the nerve to ask..........
Has my moment come and passed?
18th October 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Hey hey heys..back again to blog this blog. So,1 more week before the fasting month ends..and damn sure that im looking foward to my new and old khakis of cos. And penyet..here i come..hehe..
Anyways,yesterday went out with with Samantha and Nasri. Met Sam first at bugis at the fountain there.Originally was supposed to pick up Nas up from his workplace..but in Suntec..(ya rte..kidding me..so far u want ppl to pick u up..n im not asking for any cheesecake anyways)..no shame..hurhur..so..we met eventually at around 4.30 like dat n dey helped me picked out a perfume for my brother..Bought Mont Blanc perfume..cost me $67 man..but its okay..for family mah..
Den it was around 5plus..no where else to go liao..so small bugis..so Nas brought us to such a far away place..n we huffed and puffed up n down the hills..(kua zhang abit la)...n we played pool!Lol. I have been to the place but not exactly played it..My first attemot was horrid i must say..my ball(not my ball ball)..jumped sia!Like kene electric shot evrytime i shot at it.Sam was laughing her pi-ku off..(damn u Sam!cik-cak leh!!!)..Nas pointed out my mistake and i was hitting on the wrong position of the ball..Lol..took me somtime for me to adjust to my 'abnormal' thumb..Keep on laughing Sam..But i won in the end!!Wuahahahahahahahaha..

Sam making her shot..wah..look at that face*dont*

Nas gettin on his post to hit theball..
expert bastard

Wohoo..its me..preparing to take my shot also
Look at how intensed i am..LOL =PpPpP

Its Sam again taking her shot.Trying to put the ball as softly, tenderly and lovingly as possible..LOL!!!!
We are definitely gonna play pool again..muz bring CPJ/OSS cum along..gonna hear her 'wei..my turn...wei..my ball(errr.........DAT SOUNDS SO WRONG!)...N MANY MANY MANY other statements"..LOL...
Back to the topic,we left the place at around 6.45..Going to LJS to break fast..den like muddafcker la..so full everywhere..damn doz ppl..but before that,we were laughing our arses off coz as u know..the yellow car game..WUAHAHAHHAAH..n damn..Sam lost her skills so badly that i think she's gonna suffer lots of blueblack on her head..for the next............until for how long god knows were are all gonna be together..hahahahahahaha
dats was all for yesterday..doing enterprise currently..dat faggot had better give me a better grade man!!
16 October 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Si Hui: Heys..Long time no see..btw..Mr Chew is back in Singapore..so lets all go out and have lunch some day yea..
Jorin:Weiii...the blog yesterday sumthing wrong la..wa lao..dats y i cant blog..
Samantha: Well,i only managed to blog finish only today! And NIGH has already set in!!What to do!!! Lol
Another passed and its thursday again..n worse of all,its cognetive..my worse hated module lah..always giving me uninspiring grades..anyways..the problem is as per normal..sux..but today was no ordinary day man..its Liyana's birthday..(Happy 18th Birthday again..hehe)..and boy..had so much laughter man..ran here n dere..asked marsha dragged her to the toilet..and used nicholas's te-bak body to block the glass panel so she wont see the cake..LOL...when the time arrived..she came into the class..shocked..(wonder she knew what was going on or not..hmmm)..den had whiped cream smeared over her face and as a result,she went blind for a few seconds..n her hair went hard..n smelt whipped cream..HAHAHAHA...wa lao..how could you ever think it would be ever my idea..hurhur..anyways..sorry guys..left without even playing one game of CS!..lol..
went home with the usuals..believe it or not, i saw a lot of yellow cars and kangoo's..there were more kangoo version2(sam said cannot..damn it!)..haiz..if they were beside me yesterday, i would have whacked their heads man!!
Thursday,12 October
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Wah..Today maths and becum the grp leader..i like never do anything like dat..Juz adapt slides from friends who has done it oledi..Lucky got our JUNE!No June,den no summer holidays la..hehe..i mean ,no June den we die lor..all haf dead only..teacher explaining,all pretend to listen n juz nod thier head.
Haiz,reali missed W24H. No more nonsence from the class.No similar round people to "talk" to. No laughing machines around. But got much screamings though..haha..anyways,posted some random photos.
Wats dat up the skY?Its a flying Bak kwa!! Lol
Liked this photo alot! Its Joanne,me n Samantha!
We couldnt find any reflection room,so this glass panel shall do lah for us (Me,Jorin,Samantha n Nasri)
Samantha, who just cant stop gorging and binging on her food.Stop eating la..Lose those kilos straight away!!Penyet! Penyet!hehe.. *caught in yur unglam moment* URGH..Dont think you're gonna be praising the lord anytime soon...hehehe
Stil remembered the moment where we got screwed of our money in just within 2mins? Damn those staffs and people!
Imagine-8.58....20%off all sushi's!Dont play2 hor!very cheap arh!
9.00 strucked- A "flock" of inhuman people came rushing to buy sushi's..N it was 50%off!..KNNB..CB!..FWARK U ARH! N guessed wat?We joined in back the queue also to buy..hehehe
Anyways..dats all for me for this blog this time around..bye people!tag hor!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Hei hei hei..Created my own blog already..So.you guys dere,need not to listen to my lame jokes already..hehe..unless some of you would miss my jokes already..wuahahaha..ehem..anyways..will be blogging as soon as possible yea?...
till then..