Tuesday, November 28, 2006
After so many many many many many many weeks,i have come to blog due to popular demand..las weekend didnt went out much, only went to visit my granny with my family at SGH..hope she's getting better...anyways,yesterday went out to vivio*hahaha* and had lots of laughter. Sam-abnormal ankle,Nas-abnormal ear and the worst of all, Jorin-abnormal english!HAHAHAHAHA..no offence ya..aya..lazy to blog la..look at the pics la..

COFFEE BEAN LOG CAKE!!yum!!!!!and gorged down by sam..haizzzzz..hehe

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Heys!Finally back to blog!Was too lazy to blog la..dats y..playing football manager 2007..wheeee..haha..ok..so..its been 4 days since my birthday!N guess wat?I'm 18 already!wuahaha..*for doz who wants to criticize me and telling me so slow then turn 18..shuddap..save it 2 yurslef**covers the face***n so nice of my classmates to buy me a delicious, n i really mean delicious cake from Secret Recipe..whoa.muz have been expensive man..haha..thanx w34e..n not forgetting..the whip cream!stupid jazzzzzzzzzzzzz....i smelt like a rotten egg la.wa lao..but it didnt stopped dere..went to chased her to smash excess cakes onto her fargly face,but to no avail coz she ran to the girls toilet!DAMN!!!.den lucky WAWA! came to my rescue...she ran through the door,n left the toilet door open, n saw the whole live action, when wawa smash the cake directly onto her face!YES!! so funny la..n before i knew it, half the class was beside me, with the girls toliet door wide open, watching and laughing their piku's off la..HAHAHHAHA..
Also i received birthday gifts from my family..n it was not 1 polo, but 2 RALPH LAUREN POLO'S LEH!!!must be super expensive like hell la..*hmmm, dey seem to really know dat i like polo's oso..haha* THANX!!!
Actually supposedly to go to vivo on sunday but all cannot!so sad..went out with nas to j8..n sam claimed dat she was *busy studyin* n wen the UT was out, nothing of that sort she studied came out..hahaha..kuku girl..LOL...
Den monday came, morning2 suspicious of samsui already.carrying big bag.n had converse logo on it!n she claimed it was for her friend..it contained high heel shoes in the box -_-....ok...n wen 2nd breakout!Dey really helped to cross off my wishlist!although not levis, but converse gd enough la..*how about another pair of puma shoes? =PpPpP* EXPECTED from dem la..but something else i did not expect was what they gave me..dey said it resembled the 4 of us..Sam,Jorin, Nas n me..N wen i opened it,it was my darn casing!*this is not a $4 CASING!* SEEMS LIKE DEY ARE EMPHASISING MORE ON THE PRICE LA..ZEK AK!!LOL
Anyways, i really appreaciate for doz gifts n birthday wishes, be it thru msn, email, sms ,a call and even seeing me in person.*4 yur info, my hp got hanged wen i tried to open messages!2 many!dat shows how much u care bout yur dear fren here!*.for doz who DID NOT WISHED ME, it is very dissapointing, claiming all diz while we were all frenz..i hope that you could put in more effort and appreciate a little more for watever u have before u regret

e birthday cake my class gave me!wah..so sweet!THANK W34E!!
I LOOK VERY GHASTLY N GHOSTLY SIA..the aftermath of whip cream smeared over my face..stupid jazzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!haha
my 2 ralph lauren polos bought for me frm my family!costed over $200 sia for both!!
my birthday shoes bought from 6 of my x-classmates!so nice of them!btw, i dun have ronald macdonald feet okay!hahaha
its written, ' may this cover remind you of the times we broke your cover!!!hahaha!=) HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!! so touching yet sarcastic! stupid nas idea!dun tink i dunno arh!haha
n it seems like dey r emphasising on the $4 cover leh! i have diz strong feeling..hahahaha..
so,dats bout it!hoped u enjoyed reading it!
14th November 2006