Sunday, January 27, 2008
When is this world political shit gonna stop and change what they have been trying to promise.
Stop terrorism.
Be more eco-friendly to prevent anymore ozone layer getting thinner so we won't die.
And blah-blah-blah
It is true that we have to compromise to decide to go foward with the growth of our ever changing society/nation or choose to go green.
But i think that this world has taken everything for granted that they didnt realise that the consequences are getting much more serious.
Music has always been trying to play apart to be the 'mediator' in spreading the love of the message.
I was watching Fall Out Boy's new video clip, I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me + You), and it was about child abduction in Uganda.
Did you know ' Over the last 20 years, as many as 38 000 children have been abducted and forced to fight as child soldiers in the war in Northern Uganda. Thousands have yet to return home'.
Can you imagine if it were you?
I feel inspired about almost the slightest thing. As long as i see the effort and passion of that person in doing his/her work, i get inspired as well.
Sometimes i wish i could contribute something to this 'crazy' society but just do not know where to start. If i could, i would wanna change the world for the better
My horoscope really lives up to its name with this 'speech' =D
Waiting for the world to change
Friday, January 18, 2008

Ok. Cool shit. But so what?! It cant even meet the basic functions of having a laptop, that is the disc tray (you know where you put your disc thingy). You mean you have to transfer through a measly one miserable USB each time you want to install something. What the hell. I don't know what or why i'm so pissed about but it seems that the world has revolved so much that i guess, it is too fast for me to catch up with. But all i sure know that almost every electronic items,be it your gaming consoles, handphones and in this case, a laptop, has now defied the purpose of what a laptop once it used to be. Slimmest? Whatever if you cant even have the basic functions.
Life is beautiful
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Its coming to the middle of the 1st month of the brand new year but what i feel that can't be helped would be that sadly, still living in the past.
Ups and downs of 2007 and things that i feel is very annoyed.
Overrated things in 2007
1) My Chemical Romance - Too commercialised in the music scene that sees so many duplicates around in the street with that emo hairstyle and red tie -.- .
2) Ipod - What was said to be the 'must-have' mp3 player for all people. What nonsense.
3) Crumpler - Kids carrying around these bags. At the expense of their parents money. My my.
4) Topman/Topshop - Everyone also must have at least 1 item from this retail. tsk.
If you want something, go for it. But go at your own expense and work for it. Don't always go to your mum or dad for money cause we have to learn to stand on our own feet and find your own money!