.This is just really not a good month
Monday, June 30, 2008
This month is the worst month ever la fuck. Seriously. Shall not describe what has happened but to those who know it, preferably keep it to yourself. =)
Anyways, i think i have like spent so much money this month. Seriously alot, that my account has seen so much deductions. And please people, i am not a FUCKING bank man. It is really getting on my nerves whenever people say i am a richie rich boy. Its called saving damn it.
Pardon me for being rude, but yeah, i have made my stand clear.
Everythings gonna be fine, some other day
kill me; 8:10 PM
.YRSC 08
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hey you people out there reading my blog!
Come down to Toa Payoh Sports Hall tomorrow, 29th June, Sunday from 8.00am to 5.30pm to support my final year project on Yellow Ribbon Sports Carnival 2008
Many prizes one may stand to win, just be there aite!

Just praying the best for everything
kill me; 12:28 PM
.Work is so much more fun
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Shit.School is on again tomorrow.Fuck la.Anyways, have been working my ass off for the past 2 weeks and today is the only day that i have been able to stay home one full day (well..not exactly..still got 10 more hours before it is actually called a full day..aya..whatever la)
If not FYP, then work.Back and forth to these 2 things. My point is, this is what me and my colleagues have been doing each day at work during weekdays, when it is not busy. Heh

Description :Barney is evil whom eats up children.
Ok. Bye.
School still sucks though.
I'm done and over with
kill me; 2:43 PM