Thursday, July 31, 2008
Motion in sounds
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Out and about with my close peeps from secondary school to town yesterday and hell was it alot fun.
We took the time to reminisce during our secondary school days that damn. we fucking hell missed it alot. From throwing chairs to throwing books up to the fan, to making fun of our teachers by video-ing them and posted it on youtube to creating our own videos out of boredom to get some good laughter.
It all seemed as if it happened yesterday when we chatted through time. But when we looked back, we were all 16-17 years old and now, so not looking foward to 20 (for my case that is since i'm born in November -.- )
Everyone is now busy with school, national service or work. I'm just glad to know that everyone is finding success in the things that they are doing
Lost in between the sounds
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It is another typical Sunday, and yes. I am home finally. Caught up with some of my peeps at National Museum yesterday night and be amused by the various special effects of lighting that happened to facade of the buildings. Its quite spectacular i must say. I swear to god, one of them looked as if it had been photoshoped with the lighting effects. That's how cool it was!
Then, went down to Cine to catch another midnight movie. Well, this beats and i certainly have saved so much more money if i were to club instead. although i know the clubs keeps on haunting me every single weekend.....fuck. I MUST LEARN TO SAVE MONEY NOW
Oh ya. The movie i caught was called Prom Night. What is it about?
'Donna's senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life, one of magic, beauty, and love. Surrounded by her best friends, she should be safe from the horrors of her past. However, when the night turns from magic to murder there is only one man who could be responsible... the man she thought was gone forever. Now, Donna and her friends must escape the sadistic killer, and survive their Prom Night.'
Personally i feel?
Shouldn't have watched the movie. Partly also because me and my friends didn't wanted to go home too late just now and apparently that was the only movie that was not fully booked. -.-
The movie is more or less, a thriller la. Typical Hollywood thriller/horror concept of their movie?Revolves and play around much with the mirrors, cupboard, hiding under the bed, bathroom, and shocking moments of appearance. And what i myself found the most impractical thing about the movie was the killer was able to move around himself and sometimes, with the dead victim with him so silently. Silent footsteps. -.-
The movie was rated as viewers choice award. STOPPIT SAK! It is so undeserving la. Your another typical high school/teenage movie, something similar between Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, except in this movie, the killer like so damn confident walking round without the mask. ANOTHER WATEVER SAK! Utterly nonsensical story plot. Therefore, i believe the movie should be renamed...

Yes. Prom Shit.
When Angels and Serpents Dance
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Fuck this fucking backache la fuck
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I think i have been exhausting myself for the past few days, reaching at the doorstep of my house at almost 5am daily Only to wake up in the next afternoon. And i guess i have been having a very bad back-ache which comes and goes from the aftermath of too much sleeping.Yah i know, how wierd to get backache from too much sleeping, but that's just how i am.Fuck. I think i'm like getting old la.
Caught 'Handcock' last night with my fellow 'bandmates'. Hahaha. Great movie. Oh ya. My friend is a loser who caught it for the 3rd time already man. Hahahaha.
Anyways, i don't know but i have been urging to get across to much people in what i have been trying to say or convey to them.
It seems that people view me as an emo-kid -.- which i do not know why, just because of the way i dress and how my hairstyle is being done. Whenever i am quiet, people always ask me what's wrong. "Don't slit your wrists la"... Hahaha. Appreciate your concern though but hold on to your horses man! Relax! =)
Doesn't mean if i am quiet means i am having a problem. Maybe i just need a piece of time-out for myself or just really having a problem.
And the wierd thing is if it is a problem, it could nothing else but be the never ending story of my relationship. I guess i am the type of person whom doesn't seem to be able to let go of relationships.
For a person whom you know for so long, you would like basically know each other inside out and we feel so attached from the experiences that we have been through together. Sometimes when you think about it, you feel that she is the one for you. But whenever a problem crops up, it seems like a whole fucked up relationship where fingers are pointed out at one another. Blasting at each other through phones, at each other's faces and even to our own friends.
But no matter what, i always try to make a relationship work. Its the sacrifice you make for one another. One has to eventually compromise to make a relationship work as it is all about give and take or otherwise, it will just be another typical 'teenage drama in a relationship'.
Everything is average nowadays
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Public Humiliation in class today! Hahahahahahahahaha
Thanks ah for starring me in your presentation. Lol
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Till i'm done with my FYP,this is all just so fucked up
Monday, July 07, 2008
It was just a few days ago when all of us met, i think one of the best days of our lives during the meet up. Had a blast indeed.
But a simple call at late night, a girl crying over the phone asking me what she and all of us should do with the unexpected incident occuring. I feel so helpless, just listening to her sobbing as hard as she ever could,wondering what is going to happen to her boyfriend and to my 'brother' if things were to get complicated. I wish i could do something to help him but to no avail.
I guess all lives are fated to where they are going to be at and where they should go.
Please lead my bro to the right path of life
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Each time i see her, when we talk, when our surroundings are just completely in silence, i feel that the world is just made up of she and I. I just have so many things i wish i could say to her but I can't bring myself to say anything more to her.
I just wish